偶然看到 Price Tag 有个替换应用图标的功能,如图,研究了一下。

这个功能是在 iOS 10.3 后新增的,主要的 API 如下所示:

@interface UIApplication (UIAlternateApplicationIcons)
// If false, alternate icons are not supported for the current process.
@property (readonly, nonatomic) BOOL supportsAlternateIcons NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE("Extensions may not have alternate icons") API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.3), tvos(10.2));

// Pass `nil` to use the primary application icon. The completion handler will be invoked asynchronously on an arbitrary background queue; be sure to dispatch back to the main queue before doing any further UI work.
- (void)setAlternateIconName:(nullable NSString *)alternateIconName completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(NSError *_Nullable error))completionHandler NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE("Extensions may not have alternate icons") API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.3), tvos(10.2));

// If `nil`, the primary application icon is being used.
@property (nullable, readonly, nonatomic) NSString *alternateIconName NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE("Extensions may not have alternate icons") API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.3), tvos(10.2));

只读属性 supportsAlternateIcons 用于判断系统是否允许修改 App 图标,只有在允许的情况下才能修改。-setAlternateIconName:completionHandler: 用于执行修改操作,如果 iconName 设置为 nil,则恢复为主图标,使用方式如下代码所示:

- (IBAction)changeIcon:(UIButton *)sender {
    if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] supportsAlternateIcons]) {
        NSString *iconName = nil;
        if (sender.tag == 1) {
            iconName = @"rocket";
        } else if (sender.tag == 2) {
            iconName = @"pin";
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setAlternateIconName:iconName completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {

除了调用 API 外,最主要的还需要在 info.plist 中配置 CFBundleIcons 项,这是一个字典,可包含 CFBundlePrimaryIconCFBundleAlternateIconsUINewsstandIcon 三个键。

CFBundlePrimaryIcon 为主图标,即 Assets.xcassetsAppIcon 的信息,一般置空。CFBundleAlternateIcons 即用于设置替换图标,具体的配置项描述可以参考官方文档 ,通常的配置如图所示。

这里需要注意的是,替换图标应该放在工程的某个目录下,而不放在 Assets.xcassets 中,如图所示。