日常开发过程中,相信大家都使用 git,团队协作使用 git-flow。也经常会遇到需求做到一半,产品或者测试反馈一个线上问题,不得不 stash 当前已经写了一半的代码,然后切回到 master 查看问题,然后又恢复回原来的 stash。但是这样操作有时候可能会把之前 stash 的代码误删,辛辛苦苦写的代码说没就没了。那么问题来了,stash 能否像 commit 那样可以随时恢复?

答案当然是肯定的。我们知道只要有提交记录,git 肯定能恢复。其实 stash 某种程度上也可以看做一种 commit,如果还记得当时 stash 的名称,就更加容易恢复了。可以使用如下命令行来恢复,其中 ‘your stash name’ 处填入 stash 操作时留的名称

$ git fsck 2> /dev/null | awk '/commit/{print $3}' | git show --stdin --grep 'your stash name'

最终可以在终端中看到一些 commit 信息和日期,找到对应想恢复的 SHA,然后执行

$ git stash apply your-commit-sha


  1. The funny 2> /dev/null part ignores all error messages (they are thrown to /dev/null a dark hole in every UNIX system).
  2. git fsck checks your repo for orphaned commits.
  3. This prints a list of information, containing the id of the commit and it’s type, for example:
   dangling commit 6108663eaaac4b7e850f6d492cf83e7b65db2c97
   dangling commit b526a825c7730075eb5938917c8b8b7a98f63cdf
   dangling commit 04479ae959fc7470d04e1743f1c7149414c366fa
   dangling blob c6609e5099056da80ea1cdf5bea302225bd6b7ed
   dangling commit 9d65fa867f23d28ce618fcb5d7988180efb67f9c
  1. We’re after commit ids, which is the third part of each line, so we run: awk ‘/commit/{print $3}’ to obtain the third part of each line.
  2. git show shows information about that particular commit. So if we filter and print those containing the bug number… voilà!


How to recover a deleted git stash

Can we recover deleted commits?